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Wake up from the matrix and step into the Secret Place of divine download! Let go of the known to embrace the wonders of the previously unknown. Dare to be different as God transforms your belief system, your mind, your desire, your perspective, YOUR LIFE! Allow Him to take you on a journey of TRUTH that shatters everything you once held as fact: Because the 5D Truth of God's Glory will not only set you free, but will also thrust you into a realm of fascination that you never thought possible. The wonders of His Magnificence are incomparable to the foundational lies of this world!
What man took out, God is putting back in! We are living in a fantastic time in history! Many of the "Lost Books" and "Deleted Books" are now available on your Bible App! Find out more...
Just wanted to let everyone know where I stand in the middle of worldwide chaos, cancel culture, censorship, truth/lies, waking up, leaving the matrix and etc.
Have you been floating downstream expecting things to return to normal just because God is in control. Or, have you been seeking, knocking, searching for what the Lord is saying and doing in this dispensation of time?