The Person

Get ready for a 5'2, blonde haired, blue eyed, high heel wearing, fashionista!
- Approachable.
- Energetic.
- Compassionate.
- Sincere.
Her closest friends call her Flossy Rossy because Deborah Ross is a true "girly-girl!" But don't let all that "frou-frou" fool you. Deborah often morphs into an outdoorsy, athletic, explorer who doesn't mind getting sweaty and dirty. The Ross family loves adventure and travel: from jet skiing to snow skiing - from prison to palace - from Carolina Living to International Explorer...
Deborah Ross is a Christian Speaker, Author, Bible Teacher, Prophetic Evangelist, Ordained Minister and Television Personality. Her diverse experience and multiple giftings have enabled her to impact the lives of others in a positive way for decades.
The teachings of Deborah Ross cross denominational and ethnic borders. Her straightforward messages impart faith, hope and love according to the life-giving principles found in God's Word. Deborah Ross has an unique delivery style that is bold, transparent, anointed and liberating!
Deborah's love for music is evident. She is a worshipper who is known to break out a song or two - as the Spirit leads.
You can't help but notice the years of dance training ingrained in Deborah Ross through her gestures, mannerisms, demonstrations and stride. She enjoyed twenty years in business ownership as the artistic director of three simultaneous dance and modeling studios before spending her later years as a free lance choreographer.
Deborah's passion is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ world-wide via Television, Radio, Social Media, Conferences, Class Rooms, Writings, Counseling and Missions.
Expect the atmosphere to change the moment Deborah Ross enters the room!
~ Deborah Ross ~
Reaching The Silent Generation, Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, Generation Z and even Generation Alpha.