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So, the 2022 elections were a carbon copy of the 2020 elections. If that wasn't a sign, I don't know what was. Now, we all feel it. The angst. The let down. The wonder... Will America ever be the same again?
The cheering of distasteful Super Bowl 1/2 time shows reveals the temperature of America. It's not about the superstars, the color of their skin or the hype that is pushed out beforehand - it's about the truth. My grandmother taught me, "Be careful little eyes what you see". Here is my two cents...
OK... so I am a little slow. I kept seeing all of these signs on Facebook and had no clue of what they all meant. So I made a post and asked, "What does the red block with the two pink rectangles in the center mean? I've seen it twice today."

... The truth is that God does love everyone!