Deborah's Blog

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 • Mrs. Deborah Ross • Holiness
God says that there are MANY who will sit and listen to His Word with glad hearts. They will even go back and talk about the message with favor saying, "That sure was a good message we heard this morning." To many, sermons are simply music to the ears, giving lovely sounds and uplifting notes - but not causing CHANGE in the heart of the hearer. Unfortunately, many people hear the Word of God, but then they have no idea of how to "apply" the Word of God. Still again, many would not even consider "doing" what they just seems too hard.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 • Mrs. Deborah Ross • Emotional Needs
Meditation on God's Love is a great script to help you when you are feeling down, outcast, unloved, abandoned or foolish. Say these words outloud as you encourage yourself in the Lord.

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